
The course Programming Android apps, along with the construction of 21 trains. Android video programming principles such as the definition of variables, arrays, loops, ArrayLists, ListView and how to build the applications examined. Then how to use Android Studio and Java, how to work with Eclipse IDE, Mac OS, Android Studio IDE and XML to learn. 
This course is the product of Udemy.
Course topics:
  • Installation of Android
  • How to install Java, JDK and JRE
  • How to install Eclipse IDE
  • How to install Android Studio
  • Working with Mac OS
  • How to create virtual machines Genymotion
  • Java Programming Training
  • Java development process
  • Working with Java variables
  • Working with rings
  • Working with classes
  • Working with constructive methods for class
  • Working with the concept of inheritance
  • Android Development Tools
  • Working with Android Studio IDE
  • How to Use Views
  • How to edit codes
  • Working with the user interface
  • Working with the properties of elements
  • Working with XML
  • How to define Listviews
  • How customization ListView
  • And…
Course: Udemy The Complete Android Developer Course - Build 21 Apps
Running time: 29 hours 
Author: Paulo Dichone Fahd Sheraz
Learn Android Development, Java & Android Studio from Scratch in 5 Weeks. Build Whatsapp Clone, Diary App & other Apps
Are you Looking to boost your income as an Android Developer? Maybe you have a lot of app ideas but don't know where to start? Or you are seeking a career in Android Development and Java Programming that will finally give you freedom and flexibility you have been looking for?
Build a strong foundation in Android Development, Android Studio and object-oriented Java Programming with this tutorial and complete course.
Build Android apps from scratch using Android Studio and Java Programming
Upload your apps to Google Play and reach Millions of Android users
Make Money from your apps by displaying ads. (How To Monetize Apps)
Content and Overview
This course will take you from knowing nothing about Android development to a complete Android developer in 5 weeks. You will learn the following:
Android Studio and build User Interface (Set up and walkthrough)
Fundamentals of Java Programming used to build Android apps
Inputs, Buttons and Reactive (Tap) Interfaces
Android Building blocks
Variables, Arrays, Loops, ArrayLists, Listview
Navigate between screens
Passing information between screens
Learn how professional android apps developers think and work
Learn how to design android apps
Build several amazing apps - Hands on
Publish your apps on Google Play
Build Sound Box app
Build WhatsApp Clone
Earn Money from your Android apps - How to integrate ads in your apps
And Learn much more by Building 21 Real World Apps
Android is known to be one of the most versatile and most used operating system. We are in the age where every other person uses a hand held device or a cellphone which makes use of Android. If one goes deep into the world of android, we would see that there is a lot of scope and a lot of potential in the world of android for individuals who are tech geeks (like us)! As vast this world this, learning about it as simple and as easy as a piece of cake. You can make your own app easily and show your true potential to the world of google and android.
Here are some numbers to get you in the mood
Android is the primary operating system for over 90 tablets, for 6 E-Readers and 300 smartphones.
There are over 1,460,800 apps in Google Play store &they’re growing at an astounding pace!
Everyday about 1.5 million Android devices are activated all around the world.
About 60% of the apps available at the Google play store are absolutely free!
Why learn android development?
Learning android development is both fun and can reap you many profits in the long run. It is said that by the year 2018, there will be about 4 billion android users, hence doubling the current market. It is safe to say that android development has a lot of potential and can reap you various benefits in the long run. If one knows android development, not only will you be having a stable and sound career but can unleash you hidden talents as a developer.
Course description
if you take this course (which you should!!) know that you are on your way to build a solid and stable foundation of Android Development, Android Studio and object-oriented Java Programming. You don’t need to spend years and years on learning, with us you can learn in 5 weeks!!!! YES! That is right, in five weeks you’ll be able to make and develop your own app and you never know, you could have it running at the app store and be an instant hit!
We have built this course in a way that everything that you learn, you will be able to retain it for a long time. This is why we have distributed the whole course into various sections and not sessions. The reason why we did this is because our course is live and ON DEMAND. Once you buy this course, you have LIFE TIME ACCESS to it. You can always refer back to any section that you want to revise and move along. Every section of ours has been built to test your ability. You not only get the content but also are given quizzes and assignments to ensure that what you have learnt is retained and you fully understand the content. (Don’t worry, we won’t scold you if you have some problem, we will be throughout). We assure you, with us you’ll be an android developer in no time!
Our course is designed specifically for people who have ZERO prior experience in programming and have never even programmed a single thing before. It doesn’t matter if you have absolutely no idea about the basics (that is why we are here!), we will teach you everything that you need to know about developing and programming in just 5 weeks. All you need is loads of passion, a hint of dedication, an internet connection and a laptop or PC. It’s that easy!!
What do I learn from this course?
Through 198 lectures and 28 hours of content, you will be able to learn development and programing in just 5 weeks.
You can create engaging and real world Android apps (which you can later show off to your family and friends).
You will be learning the course by building 21 apps that include bigbuz word apps such as the popular Whatsapp clone, calculator, YouTube video player, and a simple and basic application displayer as a Head start, a mood setter application and what not!
This course is offered via visual training that engages students and has a better chance of retention. You can have a personal experienced trainer at your desk at all times that will guide you full.
We aren’t finished! 
You can learn how to work with APIs, web services and advanced databases Upload your android apps to the Google play and reach millions of android users and EARN MONEY by monetizing your applications and allowing advertisements to run on them!
Why choose us?
Obviously once you’ve made up your mind to become an expert developer, you will question the fact that why should you choose us? The answer is because we are passionate about android, we breathe, live and eat android! We have been in the industry for more than a decade and along with our knowledge we can teach you with hands on experience. We have a decade of experience in our bags of solid programming experience along with five years of application development experience. Our experience can be measured by us having over fifty applications and games (developed by us) on not only the Android Google Play but also on the Apple App Store. You’ll be taught by people who have more than 5 years of training and teaching experience, are Registered Android Developers on Google Play and manage a large community that consists of more than 10 thousand Developers.
Are you sold yet? No? we are dedicated teachers and want to spread the joy we receive by developing to others as well, we have made and developed this course by making sure that that joy is kept alive in every section and every lesson.
Everyone can learn this course! Whether you want to develop apps as an hobby, whether you’re an entrepreneur who’s looking to save costs and develop his/her own applications, newbies who are new to the tech world or a student looking to develop skills for extra income. You are welcome to join us and this course!
If you have any questions or queries related to us, or our course you can contact us by email, Twitter or through any Udemy forum. We shall help you before, during and after the course as well.
Enrol now.
We'll be really excited to see you inside!
What are the requirements?
This course is suitable for people who've never written a line of code.
No programming experience is required
A PC or Mac with internet connection
Passion for learning android app development
What am I going to get from this course?
Learn Android development, Java programming and Android studio from scratch
Learn Java programming from a professional trainer from your own desk
Create fun, engaging and real world Android apps you can show to your friends and family
Learn how to work with APIs, web services and advanced databases
Visual training method, offering users increased retention and accelerated learning
Have all the tools you need to successfully design, code and sell your Android apps
Breaks even the most complex applications down into simplistic steps
Build 21 different Android and Java apps from scratch
Build Whatsapp clone, Diary app, Temperature convertor app, Mood scanner app & much more
Upload your android apps to the Google play and reach millions of android users
Earn money by Monetising your android apps - By displaying ads
What is the target audience?
Suitable for beginner programmers and ideal for users who learn faster when shown
Best course for Web & iOS developers to learn android development
Enterprenueres who want to learn app development and save money on development & outsourcing

Section 1: Install and Setup for Windows Users
Lecture 1 
What The Course Will Cover
Lecture 2 
Install Java, JDK and JRE
Lecture 3 
Install Eclipse IDE and Create Your First Hello World App
Lecture 4 
Install Android Studio
Lecture 5 
Install Genymotion and Setup Android Studio
Lecture 6 
Genymotion on Windows
Lecture 7 
How to Watch Videos in HD for Best Results!
Section 2: Install and Setup for MAC users
Lecture 8 
Download Eclipse IDE for Java Programs (Mac OSX)
Lecture 9 
Download And Install Android Studio and Setup (Mac OSX) 
Lecture 10 
Setup Genymotion Emulator (Mac OSX) 
Lecture 11 
Make Your First Android App (Mac OSX)
Lecture 12 
Create Genymotion Virtual Devices (Mac OSX)
Section 3: Learn Java Programming From Scratch!
Lecture 13 
What's Java Programming Language - Why Do We Care?
Lecture 14 
JavaClass to Import - Java Code 
Lecture 15 
How to Import Projects in Eclipse
Lecture 16 
Your First Java Program - Hello Java! 
Lecture 17 
Hello World Java Program (Java Files)
Lecture 18 
Exercise - Hello World
1 page
Lecture 19 
Java Compilation Process
Quiz 1 
Java Compilation Process
3 questions
Lecture 20 
Java Variables Video 1 
Lecture 21 
Java Variables Video 2
Lecture 22 
Java Variables Program (Download Source Code)
Quiz 2 
Take a Quick Quiz!
3 questions
Section 4: Learn Java Programming From Scratch - If Else, Loops, Methods, Classes
Lecture 23 
Java Basic Operations Video 1
Lecture 24 
Java Basic Operations show video 2
Lecture 25 
Java Basic Operations (Java Files - Download Source Code)
Quiz 3 
Java Operators
4 questions
Lecture 26 
Java If and Else Statements
Lecture 27 
Java If Statements Program Files (Download Java Files)
Lecture 28 
Lecture 29 
Loops Java Program (Download Java Files)
Lecture 30 
Methods in Java 
What are methods and how to use them and create them? Explain thoroughly - return types, signatures (parameters)
Lecture 31 
Java Methods Program (Java Files)
Lecture 32 
What's a Class? What's an Object?
Lecture 33 
Java Classes Program (Java Files)
Lecture 34 
Exercise I
1 page
Quiz 4 
Data Hiding Quiz (Accessors)
3 questions
Section 5: Learn Java Programming From Scratch - Advanced Concepts
Lecture 35 
Controlling Access to Instance Variables 
Lecture 36 
Java Data Hiding Program (Java Files)
Lecture 37 
Class Constructors - What Do they Do? 
Lecture 38 
Java Constructors Program (Java Files)
Lecture 39 
Setters and Getters
Lecture 40 
Java Setters and Getters Program (Java File)
Lecture 41 
Exercise II - Classes, Objects, Methods, Instance Variables, Constructor 
1 page
Section 6: Java Programming Advanced Concepts - Inheritance and Data Structure
Lecture 42 
Introduction to Inheritance in Java Video 1
Lecture 43 
Java Inheritance Video 2 
Lecture 44 
Java Inheritance Video 3
Lecture 45 
Java Inheritance Programs (Java Files)
Lecture 46 
Lecture 47 
Java Arrays Program (Java Files)
Lecture 48 
Lecture 49 
Java ArrayList Program (Java Files)
Lecture 50 
Lecture 51 
Java HashMap Program Files (Java Files)
Lecture 52 
Congratulations! You are a Classy Java Developer! 
Section 7: Android App Development Tools
Lecture 53 
First Things First - Creating a Project and Running our First App! 
Go through creating our first Project and Run it!!
Lecture 54 
The Android Studio IDE
Lecture 55 
Android File Structure
Lecture 56 
XML Files - Android User Interface 
Lecture 57 
The R.java File
Lecture 58 
Lecture 59 
The Manifest File
Lecture 60 
Dimens.xml File
Section 8: Designing App Visuals - How To Use Views in Android/Java Development
Lecture 61 
Views - What are They? What do They Do? 
Intro to Views
Lecture 62 
Views Java Files
Lecture 63 
App #1 - Buttons - Tap Tap!
Lecture 64 
Buttons Source Code Files (Android studio project)
Lecture 65 
App #2 - Random Highest Mountain Names
Lecture 66 
Random Highest Mountains Source code
Lecture 67 
App #3 - Edit - Let Users Enter Data - Edit - Put it all together! 
What's an Edit? How to create them and use them?
Lecture 68 
Edit Source Code
Lecture 69 
App #4 - Temperature Converter App - Part I: The UI
Lecture 70 
App #4 - Temperature Converter - Part II: Tie all Together 
Create a fun little app where users enter their name and push the button to show what they have entered in the View.
Lecture 71 
App #4 - Temperature Converter - Part III - Finishing it Up
Lecture 72 
Temperature Converter Source Code
Section 9: Designing App Visuals 2
Lecture 73 
Background Colors - Some Widget Properties
Lecture 74 
ImageViews Source Code
Lecture 75 
Add Images to a View 
drawbles and images through xml layout
Lecture 76 
App #5 - Make Image Clickable
Lecture 77 
Lecture 78 
Know Your Way Around an XML File (UI properties)
Lecture 79 
Con - It's all About Con -Toast Example 
Lecture 80 
XML Files Source code
Section 10: What Are Activities And How to work with Navigation - Java / Android
Lecture 81 
What's an Activity? 
Lecture 82 
Activity Life Cycle 
Lecture 83 
App #6 - Navigate to a Different Activity 
Lecture 84 
App #7 - Passing Data Bettwen Activities
Lecture 85 
App #8 - Passing Data Back to the First Activity
Lecture 86 
Activity Source Code
Lecture 87 
App #9 - Show Me the Bios - Details App
Lecture 88 
App - Show Me the Bios - Part II
Lecture 89 
App - Show Me the Bio - Final!
Lecture 90 
Show Me the Bio Source code
Lecture 91 
Section 11: Listviews - Introduction
Lecture 92 
Listview Introduction - First Look 
Lecture 93 
App #10 - Let's Create Our First Listview 
Lecture 94 
Listviews and Adapters - They Work Together! 
Lecture 95 
First Listview Code Files
Lecture 96 
App #11 - Make Our Own Custom Listview - Part 1 
In this lecture we are going to start with the creation of our first custom listview
Lecture 97 
Make Our Own Custom Listview - Part 2
Lecture 98 
Custom Listview App Final Product
Lecture 99 
Final Custom Listview App Code Files
Lecture 100 
File Size: 5.1GB