Our precious kidney. The kidney helps in removing dirt of the body through urination. When our kidneys are damaged, it can cause kidney failure and dialysis. Expensive and difficult treatment in the kidneys.
Fortunate and I interview our Radio program ("Docs on Call" Saturday 5 - 6 PM) is one of the best kidney specialist across the country. He Dra. Elizabeth Montemayor the Head of the Section of Nephrology at PGH, Head of the Hemodialysis Unit at the Manila Doctors Hospital, and Professor in Physiology at the UP College of Medicine.
1. Reduce the salt in the diet - must learn to limit salty foods such as salt, fish sauce, soy sauce, anchovies and salt fish. The higher the salt of instant noodles, and canned gossip. See "Nutritional Label" for the amount of salt / salt. If salty broth or sauce is not to consume it. Cooking the noodles are half and put seasoning or salt. Not banned the eating of salt, but you can reduce it. When too much salt or salt in the body increases our pressure. And high blood pressure can destroy our kidneys
2. Limit protein food - Did you know that eating extra protein, such as beef, pork, especially large steak, kidney tortures? Yes, very much so. So that the sick kidneys is limiting the proteins in food. According to Dra. Montemayor, when much protein you eat, you need to work double time your kidneys. As a comparison, rather like walking the job of kidneys, runs the kidneys when much protein we eat. You may feel tired and break and kidneys in the long run. For this reason, doctors do not recommend the Atkin's Diet or South Beach Diet high protein diet. A balanced diet is the most healthy, rice, vegetables, fish and fruit.
3. Treat Hypertension or High Blood Pressure - High blood pressure is 140 over 90, here begins the destruction of the kidneys. Like kidneys normal blood pressure. Reduce salt in food and drink high blood pressure medicines.
4. Cure Diabetes - Hellish the effects of diabetes on the kidneys. Destroys diabetes and kidneys and can cause kidney failure and dialysis. According to Dra. Montemayor, however slight the height of your blood sugar (mild diabetes) could still damage your kidneys. It did not seem the height of blood sugar, if not the duration of diabetes. When diabetes 5-10 years, you begin to break down the kidneys. Therefore, consult a doctor immediately and treat diabetes and hypertension.
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