Sunday, May 10, 2015

Northern truth seeker

Posted By: SES - 11:03:00 PM
Image result for mother day
Yes, today is Mother's Day... First and foremost I do want to say Happy Mother's Day to all of the great mothers out there and in particular my own of course for putting up with me for all these years....

I found out something the other day that I did not know about Mother's Day.. Supposedly the original Mother's Day was to honor those brave mothers who served wounded soldiers from the American Civil War, and was founded by Anna Jarvis who wanted to honor her own mother, Ann Jarvis, who not only administered to veterans of the Civil War but was also a peace activist....Interesting fact that after Anna founded Mother's Day, she fought hard against companies like Hallmark's Cards that worked to exploit the meaning of Mother's Day for commercial purposes... Such is the case with Mother's Day today, much like other days like Valentine's Day where corporations indeed exploit the true meaning of the day for their own profits and greed....

Yes, I have been very busy the last while taking care of a lot of personal and business needs, and this blog has indeed fallen a bit by the wayside... My priorities do lie with family first and foremost, and indeed it has taken away time from putting up articles at this blog.... I am always trying to do my best at getting up articles when I can, and of course to give my interpretations of what I see going on in the world, and what I do miss I usually do try to cover it here in this rant....

First and foremost, the so called "terrorist attack" that supposedly happened in Texas is indeed a sham... I very much doubt that anyone was killed in that "attack" simply because from what I have seen and researched, this "attack" was indeed a phantom and a pure false flag attack... People have been wondering why I have not posted any articles about this attack, and I have seen no need, due to the fact that anyone with any common sense can see right away the entire thing is a fraud and a hoax.....One thing that first should come to everyone's mind is the timing of that "attack"... It coincides directly with those Jade Helm training exercises happening right across 15 or so American states and especially right there in Texas... A coincidence?  I think not.... The second factor is of course the horrific Jewess and her organization that ran the so called contest that supposedly caused the attack... That Pamela Gellar is one sick freak Jewess with the most disgusting organization possible that is doing its utmost to stir up American hatred for Muslims.. Honestly, that person if you can call her that should be in jail for her actions, but again because she is Jewish she is able to spew her hatred with little repercussions..... The real shocking part of this sad and pathetic charade is the fact that the Jew spew media continues to promote it as being real, and sadly too many gullible Americans have indeed fallen for this bullshit....

It is also not a shock to me that as a result of that fraud shooting in Texas, we are seeing all these reports about "ISIS" now being in America with agents everywhere preparing for a new "9-11" style attack... This figures, and it does make sense considering the American government does need their fraud terrorism to scare the gullible American people into surrendering more of what is left of their freedoms and of course to propel the American nation into more wars across the globe....

May 7th of course marked Victory In Europe Day, and sadly it indeed marks the 70th anniversary of the Allied victory and beginning of the occupation of Germany itself... In my honest opinion, May 7th should never be honored as a day of victory, for it marked the beginning of a period of pure hell for the people of Germany under the Allied occupation where some 5-10 million innocent civilians and veterans perished... Yes, the video "Hellstorm" that I put up just last week does indeed cover some of the horrific details of that occupation and it was indeed a true "holocaust" against the German people... But again, as I have always said, the victors in any conflict write the "history" and of course therefore the lies.....

The criminal Harper regime right here in Canada has passed its horrific Bill C-51 into law... The only delay will be in it being rammed through the Canadian Senate, which is nothing more than a mouthpiece for the government itself and a waste of Canadian taxpayer money, and of course the rubber stamping by the Canadian Governor General, but those will only be a formality.... That horrendous bill will be the law of the land here in Canada and will give the criminal organization CSIS the power to spy on the Canadian people much like that horrific DHS in the states brutalizes the American public.....Of course the Canadian government is trying to lie its ass off to the Canadian people that their privacy and their freedoms are not at stake with the passage of this bill, but that is pure bunk... The criminal Harper regime has been using the lie of "terrorism" to create the illusion that Canadians need more security and are willing to surrender their freedoms for better "security".  I really cannot believe that the Canadian public here have not been up in arms over this bill and instead have been sleepwalking while the Harper regime takes away their rights and freedoms... Heck, this new bill will indeed have the internet itself be open to surveillance and anything that I post at this blog shortly may come under scrutiny to the point that I too could be labeled as a "terrorist".....Welcome to police state Canada, everyone...

I indeed heard the news this last week that the US will now fully arm and train the so called "moderate" rebels in Syria against the good guys, the Bashar al-Assad government and the Syrian army... This should be no shock to anyone simply because the US has already been arming the so called 'moderates' for years now, as well as their operatives called 'ISIS' at the same time.... The fact is again that the US and the criminals in NATO as well as Israel are now going all out to have Syria destroyed and Bashar al-Assad removed from power.  These criminals care not that their actions will see the destruction of Syria itself with the deaths of thousands of innocent Syrian civilians....On top of all that, comes other reports that NATO may yet directly invade Syria itself if their proxy moderates and "ISIS" fail in doing the job......I am still shocked that people just do not get it yet that the US and Israel will not stop until they get what they want, which is again to see any nation that stands up against the criminal Jewish freak state destroyed....

There is some good news across the globe as more and more nations are finally getting rid of the US dollar as their reserve currency.... The fact is that the US government is absolutely beyond hysterical in trying to get a war, and in fact any war, going just to desperately try to save the US dollar as the world's only reserve currency.... But more and more nations have finally realized how they have been used by the United States for nothing more than a source of resources and exploitation and are rapidly turning away and ending their enslavement to American interests.... Yes, the lunatics now running the US state department are trying to stir up trouble just to save their very necks and the economic collapse of America itself.  They care not that their actions could mean an escalation to nuclear war and the destruction of the planet itself.  Anything just to save the almighty US dollar from its own demise....  I have long said that the American people have now been too dumbed down and stupified by the poisoned food and water that they are ingesting in the United States to even see their nation's demise and will indeed wake up very shortly to find themselves destitute and only then asking themselves what the hell just happened. Only then it will be too late to have done anything to stop this collapse from happening...

The situation in Yemen seems to be going from bad to worse, especially for the Yemeni people.  The criminal psychopathic Jews and the Jewish Saudi regime seem hell bent on having Yemen destroyed and its own people wiped out... These criminals have had the nerve this last week to say to the Yemeni civilians to evacuate their cities to avoid the destruction.... But I have a question for these monsters... Where are the civilians to evacuate to?  There is no where to go to avoid the carnage that the Saudis have now unleashed and thousands of civilians are going to die..... It is indeed a humanitarian disaster and will only get worse...  I am still looking for answers as to exactly why at this point and time the US/Israel/Saudi cabal have targeted Yemen for destruction and again it does appear to be geo-political especially with the important location of Yemen right at the Bab-al-Mandeb straits.....

How much more hypocrisy about the lies of "Global Warming" are we all supposed to take?  I saw the reports this last week where the Governor of California, Jerry Brown, has been saying that the drought in California has been caused by the lie of Global Warming... I have to say to people that Brown was also Governor of California way back in 1977 which was the last time California also experienced a horrific drought and he, as Governor,  proclaimed back then the the drought was caused by Global COOLING.....I really had a good laugh when I saw this coming from the Governor of California and again shows the absolute ludicrous nature of the entire "Global Warming" arguments... But hey, the American people will again be gullible enough to swallow this bullshit as they hand over their hard earned money to the criminals in Government as they pass the upcoming Carbon taxes into law....Again, when it comes to the entire load of lies about Global Warming, there are indeed suckers born every minute...

I did get a little bit of flak for my last article questioning whether the Jews themselves are actually not even human considering their want to see the rest of us either enslaved or dead... The fact is again that they have it in their own writings of the most evil Talmud and Torah about how they indeed see themselves as masters of the universe and the rest of us as nothing more than subhuman or cattle... I have long dared those who call me a "racist" falsely to please answer me as to how that religious group has such horrific teachings and show by their own actions to be the REAL racists and haters.....  I am still waiting for their answers, and instead they try their usual laughable ploy of calling myself and others "anti-semites" which of course makes me chuckle considering they themselves are not even Semitic..... The madness of the chosen ones will indeed continue until people do wake the hell up...

Well, I do guess that is enough of covering some of the major issues of the last week... For those that I have missed, I will touch on them here in my usual "last minute tidbits".....The psychotic and criminal state of Israel is again expanding and building new "settlements" in the occupied West Bank.  This again shows exactly what I have always said that these psychos want it all and want to leave no chance for the Palestinians to have a future.  The only choice the Palestinians do have is to fight back against these monsters.  The alternative is to accept their own genocide.  Given those choices, I know which one I would take in a heartbeat......American "special forces" are now fully in eastern provinces of Ukraine to "train" the Ukrainian army to fight against the "rebels".  This is the Vietnam War all over again when the US first started with 'advisers' and we all know how that escalated into a full blown war.  Yes, the US is escalating the conflict in Ukraine to provoke Russia into a possible regional and global conflict just to protect the US dollar.  Again, they care not that such an escalation could lead to nuclear war and the deaths of billions.....  What else is there to say about the 'elections' in the United Kingdom other than to call them a farce and an insult to anyone with any intelligence? The ballots were obviously tampered with and the voting was definitely fixed.  Exit polls are never wrong, simply because they ask voters the simple question about exactly who they voted for.  This farcical UK election that handed that jew, Cameron, a majority in the British House of Commons, just shows that British elections are just as fixed and criminal as US elections....One good news from the UK elections was the overwhelming vote by the Scottish people for the Scottish separatist party.  After the fix was on in the Scottish referendum fiasco, the Scottish people are obviously pissed and they will definitely vote to split from the UK very soon.  Only this time the criminals will not be able to sabotage the referendum like the last one.....OK, why in the heck are the Greek people standing by while their government surrenders to the criminal IMF?  The Greek government just handed over to the IMF scoundrels the first "payment" for the interest incurred by the Greek odious debt with more to come.  The Greek people voted for the Syriza government with the understanding that Syriza would never surrender to the EU and the IMF.  It is therefore time again for the Greek people to take to the streets and throw these bums out of office.  Greece should do the right thing and never give into criminals and their odious debt..... Billions of dead sea life has now been washing up on the American west coast and strangely the Jew spew media refuses to even report on it?  I have one word for exactly what the hell is happening in the Pacific and how it will indeed imperil the entire planet and that word is Fukushima.  But hey, who cares about an ongoing planet threatening disaster when wars for Israel matter first and foremost.....Someone asked me to comment about all of these plans being made for colonization of Mars, and especially all those organizations that are getting suckers, err.. people, to sign up to be the first colonists on Mars.  All I can say is by my knowledge of the planet Mars, and how NASA has been faking all of their missions to Mars, there are indeed suckers born every minute.  If people actually think these organizations will be able to put colonies on Mars in the next few decades, then they really are that gullible and stupid....Arsenal plays Swansea City tomorrow, Monday, and the Gunners are still hoping to secure 2nd place in the Premiere League and therefore a spot in the Champions League for next year.  The Swans are no pushovers though and those Welshmen will definitely give the Gunners a good game today......Whitewraithe and I are going to have a new Turbulent Times show hopefully tomorrow night.  I will be posting the information about the show itself hopefully by this afternoon, and hopefully everyone will listen in.  So stay tuned..... And now for what everyone has been waiting for, my weekly report on that great American family, the lovable skanks and trollops known as the Kardashians.  Well, someone gave me some shocking news this last week that none other than my favorite skank, Kim, has supposedly written a book!  I am shocked that this no brain lowlife actually has the intelligence to write let alone read a book.  Considering how brain dead so many Americans are, I would not be shocked that this "book" becomes a best seller.  Yes, America is indeed going to hell, but they truly do love their Kardashians..


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