Sunday, May 10, 2015

"Jewish" lies will never actually change

Posted By: SES - 11:05:00 PM
Image result for jewish

[See Stone of Destiny]

but I have been looking at the facts objectively for over forty years and it is my "opinion" that in fact there were never any so-called "Jews" in the so-called
"Old Testament"....

one would need to establish as fact that some alleged tribe of the children of Israel in Genesis 49 & Deut. 32 were made "proselytes" to Talmudic Judaism
long before Jesus was crucified by the Money Changers & Pharisees, who at that time did not actually call themselves "Jewish"...and did not actually have a Toe of Ra...just sayin'

saying that "Jews" are so-called "Jews" on account of the Toe of Ra is historically inaccurate, just as a matter of historical fact there were never any
"Dallas Cowboys" at the Alamo...snorting cocaine with "Israelite/White" prostitutes...all white people nations are in fact "Israelite"'s in the Bible.

just repeating "Jewish" lies will never actually change the truth of events that happened years ago
like Waco...OKC, 9/11 or the
Assyrian Captivity...

bear in mind these professional LIARS & MURDERERS ...
[John 8:44]
have been operating a global crime syndicate for several thousand years, and paid the lying scribes to print...

"substantial misstatements of fact"...for filthy lucre long before Talmud Vision appeared on the scene...

Thanks for poo pooing the Garland shooting...Hank Hill sez...
"Boy Howdy, I tell you what"

Boomhauer...mumbled something about some ovens and six million...go figure.

...if you know anybody that has a polaroid photo of some Dallas Cowboys at the Alamo...please let me know...or some actual proof of a so-called "Jew" in the Old Testament....s'il vous plait



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