Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Posted By: SES - 3:07:00 AM

YellowstoneWhat is a supervolcano Yellowstone - a time bomb in the northwest United States? This volcano is unusual, it is not the formation of a cone with vents, and nisin, known as a caldera, which resembles a huge basin. Yellowstone Caldera is a gigantic eruption of the volcano, with an area of several thousand square kilometers. The gigantic size of the caldera 55 km by 72 scientists have been able to see just a satellite. Area caldera about four thousand kilometers.

The area's famous thermal geysers of Yellowstone is characterized by high volcanic and seismic activity. Outside Yellowstone National Park is covered with picturesque landscape, and inside this huge valley filled with red-hot magma. For millennia, the magma filled the huge underground reservoirs, melts the rock, becoming so dense that the volcanic gases that cause the eruption of volcanoes in the ordinary, can not pass through it. Therefore, a huge amount of molten magma pushes from below the earth's surface. This continues over hundreds of thousands of years until until a powerful explosion.


Yellowstone Caldera - the largest volcanic system in North America, it was formed as a result of the catastrophic eruption 640,000 years ago. The park was also observed traces of two other earlier eruptions have left behind rock formations of volcanic tuff. All three eruptions have raised a huge amount of dust that is blown across North America. Remains of dust were found hundreds of kilometers away from the park. Presumably, the resulting ash and gases up into the atmosphere and lead to climate change and the extinction of many species of animals and plants, mainly in North America.


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