Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Extend iPhone Battery

Posted By: SES - 1:08:00 AM
6 Tips to Extend iPhone Battery

Extend iPhone Battery

All sophistication iPhone disappear instantly when the battery is exhausted. Therefore, I try to share 6 tips to extend iPhone battery adapted from an article osxdaily  by  Paul Horowitz.

Nearly every iPhone users love their iPhone, but if there is one thing to complain about it almost always about the battery life of the device, or rather, lack thereof. Almost all who use the iPhone will continue to offer some variation of this complaint, and for many of us it is the iPhone, which must be worn throughout the day as well, rather than exclusively charging overnight and then ready to go for the whole day. Being dependent on a wall charger is never fun, so we will focus on some tips that actually proven to work that prolong battery life. As you can see, there will be a potential loss of some of some of these methods, and you must determine whether a battery that lasts longer is worth the sacrifice. It would not be the case for everyone, so the match tips that will work for your needs.
These tips will extend the battery life for all iPhone users, but you may not need to bother with all of this except the battery of your iPhone really suffering , It is usually pretty obvious when it is so, because for us is affected by the battery drain will have a battery by 30% -60% at mid-day although very light to moderate use. If you are not sure, you should run the battery down to around 5%, if what you see is only a few hours of actual use of the device, then you may have a surplus disposal problem that can be solved by the trick described below.
1: Decrease Brightness & Turn off Auto-Adjust

Adjust the screen brightness to low and disabling automatic adjustment can make a big difference.  If you do nothing else recommended here, do  this:
Go to Settings and go to the "Brightness & Wallpaper"
Sliding bar adjuster as far left as you can tolerate
Select "Auto-Brightness" to OFF

Yes, this makes it more difficult to see the screen when being outside in direct sunlight, but it's a small price to pay to be able to use the iPhone much more lama.Pengaturan this change alone can easily add one or two hours, if not more , for the life of the battery.
2: Turn off the 3G / LTE

May look stupid, and it is foolish to extend the battery life, so it is only used when your battery up to 5%.
Go to Settings> General> Cellular> Enable 3G / LTE to OFF

3: Turn off Location Services unnecessary

GPS uses less battery, and many applications use location for various alasan.Jadi, every time you open or use the applications depending on the location, hits your battery life, which is why lethal because many service locations may help to prolong battery life. Turn off for really anything that does not really need it (basically, Weather, Maps, Google Maps, and Find My iPhone, all of which must remain here).
Go to Settings> Privacy> Location Services> moved all unnecessary services to OFF

4: Disable Mobile Data Usage Unnecessary

No, you do not turn off cellular data completely (although it would help, but then your iPhone is obviously much less useful), instead you will turn off mobile data use for items that simply do not need, such as updating the document iCloud, Information iTunes, FaceTime , update Passbook and  Reading List  cross-device synchronization.
Go to Settings> General> Cellular> Switch everything under "Use Cellular Data for:" to OFF

This basically means that there is no such service will function or renew current cellular connection and will instead rely on the wi-fi to update. This causes a reduction in the use of cellular modem, and increased battery life.
5: Disable Push Fetch Mail and Set to Manual

This means that the iPhone will no longer check for new mail on it's own, which means if you want to know if you have an email waiting for you, you will need to launch the Mail application and do pull-to-refresh to check his
Go to Settings> Mail, Contacts, Calendars> Fetch New Data> Push switch to OFF
In the same settings menu, go to "Fetch" and select "Manual"

For those of us who need to get a new e-mail as soon as possible, this is not really a viable option.
6: Turn off Bluetooth

Who uses Bluetooth all the time? Almost nothing, so why do you have it on all the time? Here's what you should do instead: turn it off, and only switched on when you actually use it for a headset or keyboard.Jika not, you both Bluetooth signal broadcasting and search for available devices even when it is not needed, and the battery drain.
Go to Settings> Bluetooth> OFF


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