Just FREE I love you like yan so enter enter

I hope in Section Globe share solid case Mac  and insects and discussed there.


First Note :: To the repost please credits and Hit and Run give useful feedback and sharer in FB dare you not be angry, I enjoy a lot my dummy account on FB so careful Groups You can also SHARE THIS JUST GIVE TO OTHER CREDITS SECTION !!!

Second Note: -> Limited Days and Bandwidth that you can use * 35 days or 500 MB *. Well you'll have to discover how you can extend the duration 

So let's start * Please pay attention to the red box / es *

The Need
-> DATA EYE * see attachments *
-> Default APN's INET http.globe.com.ph GLOBE * *
-> Of course you COC
-> Download the attached file first! * There is no virus  itself from PlayStore *

-> Of course you need to install it first

-> Open the App * Data Eye is name *

->Open the App *Data Eye name

->Open it you will see COC is under the Free Data Apps

->Now turn it ON, the app will try to connect.

-> You can see if it's successful if there is a key icon in the notify. bar!

-> Then it's done. Enjoy your free COC

*Pls. don't mind the WiFi icon being ON.Open l SS *