Tuesday, June 16, 2015

A drone's eye view of an iceberg's demise

Posted By: SES - 10:34:00 AM
Tuesday, June 16, 2015, 9:40 AM - We've seen plenty of drone footage of the icebergs that meander past the coasts of Newfoundland and Labrador, but a high schooler has given us something new: A drone's eye view of an iceberg's demise.
Grade 11 student Kelan Poole happened upon that spectacle when he 
flew his drone over to four icebergs near the small Labrador village of St. Lewis, just when one of them began to break apart.
Poole recorded the fortuitous collapse, and posted the video to his YouTube account:
"Odds of capturing this are very minute, especially from a UAV [Unmanned Aerial Vehicle]!" he wrote.
Poole told the CBC it was his first time flying the drone over the ocean, and when the iceberg began to break up, he didn't actually witness it with his own eyes, which were glued to his view screen to make sure he got the shot.
"It sounded like thunder," he said. "You could hear it all through the community."


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